A Concept Created for Generation Y

Deep Orange 1

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Introducing Deep Orange 1

Deep Orange is a vehicle prototype program at CU-ICAR for pioneering education, research and industry collaboration within the graduate degree programs in automotive engineering. The initiative strives for practical application of acquired engineering proficiency in product development, manufacturing concepts and vehicular electronics through a systems-engineering approach. A new Deep Orange project is started annually to create an engineering concept car that is finished two years later.

Deep Orange 1 was created with the Gen-Y consumer segment in mind. Working with the Clemson Department of Marketing, CU-ICAR students examined seven different market segments, which created a challenging product design perspective. They studied Gen-Y consumers to understand their lifestyle patterns, trends and activities, needs and priorities.


Deep Orange 1 Partner Collaboration

Deep Orange provides participating industry partners (entrepreneurs, suppliers, and OEMs) with a neutral open-innovation and proof-of-concept platform to develop, integrate, showcase and verify new innovations and technologies in a full-vehicle working product. It directly feeds the knowledge gained back to both industry and academia. The use of industry-relevant teaching and mentoring methods provides a close alignment of academic and industry practices which prepares the engineers of tomorrow to address the challenges that the automotive industry will face in the years to come. The following organizations have provided generous support, in-kind contributions and talented human resources to achieve the objectives of this project.


DO1 Automotive Engineers & Innovators

Deep Orange 1 Gallery: From Concept to Creation

Deep Orange 1 was truly a step into the next generation of automotive engineering and innovation. The final result was a vehicle with excellent fuel consumption (100 mpg), a personalized infotainment structure, unique and environmentally friendly manufacturing technology, and revolutionary seating concepts.

The gallery above features some of the visual highlights of the Deep Orange 1 project.