Toyota uBox, an Urban Utility Vehicle

Deep Orange 6

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Introducing Deep Orange 6

The objective of the Deep Orange 6 program is to develop a blank-sheet, youth-oriented vehicle concept with a targeted U.S. market introduction of 2020, catering equally to both young males and females. A focal point of the project is on the utility vehicle aspects with the purpose of understanding what future active young people living in urban settings need in a utility/activity vehicle.

A focal point of the Deep Orange 6 vehicle prototype program will be the utility/activity aspects of the vehicle with the purpose of creating a better understanding what future active young consumers need in a utility/activity vehicle (such as pickup-trucks, sports utility vehicles or crossover vehicles.) The anticipated market introduction date in 2020.



A project made possible through Collaboration

The following organizations have provided generous support, in-kind contributions and mentoring to achieve the objectives of Deep Orange 6.


DO6 Automotive Engineers & Innovators

Deep Orange 6: From Concept to Completion

Toyota Technical Center, the North American research and development arm of Toyota Motor Corp., sponsors the sixth-generation Deep Orange vehicle prototype designed and conceived by automotive engineering graduate students at the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR). Here are some of the visual highlights of the Deep Orange 6 collaboration.